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Insights and Intelligence

Data-driven solutions to optimise operational efficiency, enhance patient care and outcomes, and drive informed decision-making across the healthcare ecosystem

Through a focus on innovation and digital strategies, we help our clients leverage technology advancements to improve patient care, enhance operational efficiency, and stay competitive in the digital age; these advances in technology are leveraged in our day-to-day execution and delivery, adding further value to our solutions.

Our Insights and Intelligence experts provide a comprehensive range of solutions across the healthcare ecosystem, delivering strategic guidance, data-driven insights, and expertise to support decision-making and drive success in the healthcare sector. Our expertise includes early asset development, opportunity assessment and life-cycle management, ensuring operational excellence and asset optimisation throughout a product’s lifecycle.

We leverage our extensive network of stakeholders (including patients, providers and experts), to map and identify key individuals and organisations that impact the success of healthcare initiatives and better understand their experiences and needs. Not only does this support the development of stakeholder-centric solutions and services, but it also enables us to develop strategies that engage and collaborate with each stakeholder more effectively.

Find out more about our core offers:

Landscape and opportunity assessment

Landscape and opportunity assessments provide a comprehensive analysis of a client’s market landscape, including their competitors, key trends, and potential opportunities, ensuring a holistic understanding of the business environment. These assessments help our clients identify promising market segments and potential areas for growth and innovation.

Stakeholder mapping

Stakeholder mapping identifies individuals, groups, or organisations that business. Mapping will provide an understanding of key stakeholders and their concerns and expectations, enabling effective communication and strategic decision-making that will drive stakeholder satisfaction.

Brand, market and customer insights and tracking

We provide a deep understanding of customer behaviour, preferences, and market trends. By consistently tracking and monitoring insights, you can make data-driven decisions, enhance products or services, and formulate strategies to meet customer needs and remain competitive. Vista Health utilises emerging methods like web scraping, artificial intelligence (AI), and dynamic big data modelling to comprehensively follow and understand the digital personas and footprints of key stakeholders.

Patient and physician journey mapping

Journey mapping helps identify the important touchpoints and interactions patients or physicians have with the healthcare system and clients’ products and/ or services. Through mapping exercises, we identify pain points, opportunities for improvement, and areas to enhance patient or physician experience. Vista Health elevates our mapping outputs through the integration of validated behavioural science frameworks, enabling the development of interventions that will support behavioural shifts among key stakeholders. We also leverage advances in technology to deliver media-rich, interactive journey maps that bring stakeholders’ experiences to life.

Segmentation and profiling

Through segmenting and profiling key customer groups, clients gain valuable insights to tailor their marketing efforts, products and services to better meet the specific needs and preferences of each customer segment, ultimately increasing customer satisfaction and engagement. Vista Health leverages advances in artificial intelligence (AI) to create key customer personas, allowing market-level profiling and segmenting of key customer groups.

Competitive intelligence

Vista Health can provide intelligence about your competitive landscape, including competitors’ products, strategies, strengths and weaknesses. This intelligence enables our clients to make informed decisions, identify opportunities, and develop effective strategies to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Chatbot technology

Our chatbot technology is data-driven, enabling the conduction of advanced analytics on user interactions. All data is subsequently presentedplatform which can be interrogated to gain further insights. This technology is an engaging and user-friendly way to interact with a range of respondents, from patients to interviewees, and can be deployed in various settings to achieve several objectives (e.g. interviews to conduct market research, improve education and awareness for patients, and as a clinical decision support tool for providers).